We, at "North West Construction" LLC, commit to sustainable performance in Health & Safety and endeavour due recognition from all stakeholders.
In order to achieve this we:
- Ensure Health and Safety of all stakeholders.
- Demonstrate personal ownership for Health and Safety matters through visible leadership at every level.
- Empower all employees to activity report unsafe conditions and actions to continually improve Health and Safety culture and make them accountable against set goals and targets.
- Manage risks related to business processes proactively to ensure that ill health, injuries and environmental impacts are prevented.
- Ensure appropriate and reliable emergency response system to be in place in all company operations.
- Establish HSE audit system to assess the level of compliance and ensure corrective actions.
- Communicate this policy to all Stakeholders and provide training, resources and other support to encourage behaviour that upholds this policy.
We are committed to the prevention of pollution and continual improvement of our environmental performance.
As an organization, we are committed to ensuring that:
- Comply with all environmental legislation, using codes of practice and guidance produced by regulatory bodies assist where appropriate.
- Provide all employees with the necessary resources, equipment, information, instruction and training to fulfil the requirements of this policy, commensurate with their role.
- Strive to integrate environmental best practice into our business operations.
- Prevent pollution to the environment by ensuring that we manage the use of all chemicals appropriately.
- Minimize waste to landfill by reducing our waste generation and by segregating and recycling waste where economically and operationally feasible.
- Coordinate business mileage so as to maximize fuel efficiency.
- Use energy, water, materials and other natural resources as efficiently as possible, giving particular regard to the long term sustainability of consumable items.
- Ensure that the environment is considered in the procurement of goods and services.
- Work together with local businesses, neighbours, partners or suppliers to encourage commitment and improvement in our local environment.